Exercise: distributed data analysis with MATLAB
In this exercise, you will learn how to submit MATLAB jobs in the cluster using two approaches that are commonly used at DCCN.
The first approach is to use a wrapper script called matlab_sub; while the second is to submit batch jobs right within the graphical interface of MATLAB.
In this exercise, we will use commands in MATLAB and in Linux shell. When you see the commands started with a prompt $
, it means a command in Linux shell. If you see >>
, it implies a command to be typed in a MATLAB console.
Follow the steps below to download the prepared MATLAB scripts
$ wget https://github.com/Donders-Institute/hpc-wiki-v2/raw/master/docs/cluster_howto/exercise_matlab/matlab_exercise.tgz
$ tar xvzf matlab_exercise.tgz
$ ls
matlab_sub qsub_toolbox
Task 1: matlab_sub
When you have a MATLAB script file (i.e. the M-file) which takes no input argument, you can simply submit a job to run on the script using the matlab_sub
In this task, you are given a M-file which generates a 8x8 magic matrix, makes a sum of the diagonal elements, and finally saves the sum to a file. Follow the steps below for the exercise:
Switch the working directory in which the M-file is provided
$ cd matlab_sub $ ls magic_cal.m
Read and understand the
script(Optional) Choose a desired MATLAB version, e.g.
$ module unload matlab $ module load matlab/R2014b
As long as you are fine with the default version of MATLAB, you can leave this step out. The default version of MATLAB can be checked with:
$ module avail matlab
Submit a job to run the script
$ matlab_sub magic_cal.m
You will be asked to provide the walltime and memory requirements of the job.
You can bypass the interaction of providing memory and walltime requirements by using the
options of thematlab_sub
script.The example below submits a job requesting resource of 4 GB memory and 1 hour walltime.
$ matlab_sub --walltime 01:00:00 --mem 4gb magic_cal.m
Monitor the job until it is finished. You will see the output file
containing the result.
Task 2: qsubcellfun
Start matlab interactive session with the command
$ matlab2014a
In the matlab graphical interface, type the following commands to load the MATLAB functions for submitting jobs to the cluster. Those functions are part of the FieldTrip toolbox.
>> addpath '/home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/qsub'
Switch the working directory to which the prepared MATLAB functions are located. For example,
>> cd qsub_toolbox >> ls qsubcellfun_demo.m qsubfeval_demo.m qsubget_demo.m randn_aft_t.m
Open the file
. This matlab function keeps refreshing a n-dimentional array for a duration. It takes two arguments:n
for the array dimention, andt
for duration. You could try to run it interactively using the MATLAB command below:>> n_array = {10,10,10,10,10}; >> t_array = {30,30,30,30,30}; >> out = cellfun(@randn_aft_t, n_array, t_array, 'UniformOutput', false); >> out out = Columns 1 through 4 [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] [10x10 double] Column 5 [10x10 double]
function above makes five iterations sequencially over therandn_aft_t
function. For every iteration, it fill in the function withn=10
. Using the cluster, the iterations can be made in parallel via the qsubcellfun function. For example,>> out = qsubcellfun(@randn_aft_t, n_array, t_array, 'memreq', 10*10*8, 'timreq', 30, 'stack', 1);
will block the MATLAB console until all submitted jobs are finished.
Task 3: qsubfeval
An alternative way of running MATLAB functions in batch is to use the qsubfeval
function. In fact, qsubfeval
is the underlying function called by the qsubcellfun
for creating and submitting each individual job.
Following the steps below to run the same randn_aft_t
function using qsubfeval
Start matlab interactive session with the command
$ matlab2014a
In MATLAB, load the
toolbox from FieldTrip.>> addpath '/home/common/matlab/fieldtrip/qsub'
Switch the working directory to which the prepared MATLAB functions are located. For example,
>> cd qsub_toolbox >> ls jobmon_demo.m qsubcellfun_demo.m qsubfeval_demo.m qsubget_demo.m randn_aft_t.m
Submit batch jobs to run on
function, usingqsubfeval
.>> n_array = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; >> t_array = {20, 40, 60, 80, 100}; >> jobs = {}; >> >> for i = 1:5 req_mem = n_array{i} * n_array{i} * 8; req_etime = t_array{i}; jobs{i} = qsubfeval(@randn_aft_t, n_array{i}, t_array{i}, 'memreq', req_mem, 'timreq', req_etime); end >> >> save 'jobs.mat' jobs
Each call of
submits a job to run on a pair ofn
(array dimention) andt
(duration). For this reason, we should make iteration ourselves using thefor
loop. This is different to using theqsubcellfun
.Another difference is that the MATLAB prompt is not blocked after job submission. One benefit here is that we can continue with other MATLAB commands without the need to wait for jobs to finish. However, we need to save references to the submitted jobs in order to retrieve the results later. In the example above, references of jobs are stored in the array of
. You may also save to the reference to a file and leave MATLAB completely.You probably noticed that the job reference returned from
is not the torque job id. Theqsublist
function is provided to map the job reference to the torque job id. We could combine this function to query the job status, using a system call to theqstat
command. For example:>> load 'jobs.mat' >> >> for j = jobs jid = qsublist('getpbsid', j); cmd = sprintf('qstat %s', jid); unix(cmd); end
When all jobs are finished, one could retrive the output using
. For example,>> load 'jobs.mat' >> >> out = {}; >> >> for j = jobs out = [out, qsubget(j{:})]; end >> >> out
After the output is loaded into Matlab with
function, the output file is removed from the file system. If you need to reuse the output data in the future, better save it to a.mat
file before you close the Matlab.