Exercise: distributed Bayesian regression modelling in R with future and brms


This page requires an update for the Slurm cluster.

In this exercise, you will learn how to run Bayesian regression with brms in parallel on the HPC. This tutorial assumes that you already know what brms is and just want to learn how to speed it up with the HPC capabilities. We will do it using future package (see more about future in Exercise: distributed data analysis in R with future and batchtools).


Follow the steps below to download the scripts for this tutorial with Bash or just download the archive and unpack it in the directory of your choice on the cluster.

$ mkdir R_exercise
$ cd R_exercise
$ wget https://github.com/Donders-Institute/hpc-wiki-v2/raw/master/docs/cluster_howto/exercise_R/r_brms_exercise.tgz
$ tar xvzf r_brms_exercise.tgz
$ ls
batchtools.torque.tmpl hpc_example_r_brms.R

Load RStudio. Choose R version 4.1.0 and check “Load pre-installed R-packages” checkbox as the packages needed are already included in the r-packages module on the HPC.


Running brms on the cluster

  1. Load the necessary packages:

  2. Load and set up the data:

    p <- read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/poisson_sim.csv") # load the data
    p <- within(p, { # set the important variables to factors
      prog <- factor(prog, levels=1:3, labels=c("General", "Academic",
      id <- factor(id)
  3. Create a job plan for future. This job plan has two stages to make things more interesting for the demonstration purposes (it is also useful if you have a lot of different models to run):

      tweak(batchtools_torque, resources = list(walltime = '00:20:00', memory = '6Gb', packages = c('brms'))), # first jobs are submitted for 20 minutes
      tweak(batchtools_torque, resources = list(walltime = '00:05:00', memory = '6Gb', packages = c('brms')))  # the jobs created within these jobs are set to run with 5-minute limit
    ), .cleanup = T) # two-level parallelization setup to compile on the cluster and then run the chains in parallel

Note different resource requirements. We want more time for the first-level jobs so that it will be enough for setting up the model, waiting for the results, and combining the results.

  1. Set a brm job:

    brm_job <- future({
        brm(num_awards ~ math + prog, data = p, family = 'poisson', future = T)

The job is set within an expression (in {} curly brackets) as an argument for the future function. This is a first-level job. Then brm is called with an argument future = T so that the individual MCMC chains will also be send to the cluster as separate jobs.

  1. You can wait for results as shown here or just do some other stuff while the job is running:

    while (!resolved(brm_job)) Sys.sleep(5) # wait until the job is finished
    brm_val <- value(brm_job) # load the results